Travel LEaders Business News
Travel Leaders Business Travel
Travel Leaders Business News
November 2014
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Starwood's Eco-Friendly Element Brand Expands
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Nothing to Read? Airport Libraries to the Rescue
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Are Your Travel Standards Too Low?
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Ebola Remains a Small Blip on the Business Travel Radar

As unsettling as the Ebola outbreak has been, the practical effects on business travelers have been minor so far — assuming you sit far enough away from the alarmed reporting on the television screens in airport departure areas.

For example, the SARS scare in 2003 affected millions of travelers in Hong Kong, Singapore and around the world. But the effect on travel of the Ebola scare, even with the report of a second case in Dallas, has been far more limited. Travel has been affected to and from a few countries in West Africa, where international business travel is mostly centered on the oil and mining industries.

"You look at the scenario of things that potentially could happen and the potential impact on the travel industry and there is cause for worry," said Michael W. McCormick, the executive director of the Global Business Travel Association. "But given the source of the disease and the destinations you’re talking about, from a business travel perspective, it’s been a relatively small impact so far."

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 Delta Continues LAX Growth, Adds Two New Texas Routes
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 New Service Offers Taxis Exclusively for Women
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 American Airlines Restarting La Guardia Service
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The Airports You Won't Mind Getting Stranded in Because They Rock

It’s fair to say that nobody actually looks forward to a layover. But rising prices make it tough to find an affordable nonstop fare, so layovers are becoming part of a typical travel itinerary.

However, it doesn’t have to be such a bummer. There are plenty of airports that offer enjoyable amenities for travelers of all kinds, and we’ve put together a list of our favorites to help guide you through those hours between flights.

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15 Ways to Stay Healthy During Cold and Flu Season

October marks the beginning of cold and flu season, and with concerns growing over the Ebola outbreak, it’s especially important to take the necessary precautions to stay healthy. Sometimes traveling can weaken your immune system—flying can be dehydrating, plus you’re in close proximity to strangers, and the air is being circulated. Here are 15 ways to stay healthy during cold and flu seasond now a new study suggests that, for a growing number of business travelers, flying is costing them both time and money.

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